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Masonic Temple (1917 – Present)

Masonic Temple Began Construction in 1914 In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Masonic temples were being constructed seemingly everywhere.  The Watertown temple on lower...

Adriel Ely – Edmund Q. Sewall Mansion (1828 – 1938)

Adriel Ely, A Prominent Figure Of Early Watertown, N.Y. History Adriel Ely was described in Joel R. Monroe’s Through Eleven Decades of History as “a...

Mohican Building (1891 – 1964)

Mohican Originally Known As The Smith Building Construction on the Mohican Building, originally known as the Smith Building, began in 1891 across from the First...

KarmelKorn Shoppe (1941 – 1998)

The KarmelKorn Shoppe Comes To The Paddock Arcade The KarmelKorn Shoppe is actually a national franchise that began all the way back in 1929.  The...

The Globe Store (1892 – 1973)

Hyman G. Ellis And The Globe Store The Globe Store’s history began after the arrival of Hyman G. Ellis in Watertown, N.Y., in 1892 (though...

The Brown Shanty (1943 – 2005)

The Brown Shanty’s Original Name: Wade’s Barbecue, Then Moran’s Barbecue For its first year of existence, the little trailer like structure near the corner of...

Baker’s – Howard’s – Shuler’s Restaurant (c. 1944 – Present)

Shuler’s Restaurant: It All Began Way Back In 1936… Or Maybe 1944. On the city’s northside, where Shuler’s Restaurant sits, was once the home to...

The Frontenac Hotel and Fire – 1000 Islands (1878 – 1911)

The Frontenac Hotel History From 1878 – 1911 The Frontenac Hotel was originally conceived as Round Island House in 1878, undergoing major renovations just 10...

Electric Building (1907 – 1976)

The Electric Building Was Originally Built As Hotel LeRay Construction on Hotel LeRay would begin in 1907, after the Universalist Church had moved to their...

John Adams Pool (1929 – 1978)

John Adams Pool, aka North Side Pool/North Junior Pool The John Adams pool was originally a gift to the city and would open in 1929,...
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