District No 10 School House – Intersection Of Dry Hill-Farm School Rd And Minkler Rd.
The old photo at the bottom of the District No 10 school house and sledders was originally published in the December 30, 1950 Farm and Garden section of the Watertown Daily Times which describes the location as the intersection of Dry Hill-Farm School Rd and the County Highway that leads into Rodman. It was also republished within the last several years in the North Country Remembered 6,134.
The screen shot below appears to be, in today’s name-changed, Google Maps driven age, the Dry Hill Rd (155) and Minkler Rd right before crossing Sandy Creek twice before intersecting with the Lowville Rd, County Rt 69 which leads into Rodman.

The topography from the screenshot above from Google Earth taken in 2013 appears to line up fairly well with the same slope in the road for sledding. There is a residence behind the overgrowth of trees as well as another, smaller structure about where the schoolhouse is shown in the photo below.

From the Watertown Daily Times original photo–
Rural boys and girls throughout Northern New York took advantage of the crisp winter weather of the past week to try out new sleds, skis, toboggans, and skates which they received for Christmas. These boys weren’t exactly lonesome for school during the mid-year holidays. It just happened there was good coasting adjacent to the school house shown in the background.
Enjoying the sport are George Hartle of Barnes Corners and Rob Bauder and Harvey Burnham of Sandy Creek Valley Road. This picture, by Times Staff Photographer Ralph M. Pettit, was take at the intersection of the Dry Hill-Farm School Road with the county highway leading to Rodman. District No 10 school house forms the background for this countryside scene. Photo, caption: Ralph M. Pettit/Watertown Daily Times.
For more winter-related scenes like the District No 10 school house, click here.